Writer Bios


Ever since he was a little boy, Trev has dreamed of becoming a marine biologist.  Unfortunately, Biology is a very difficult major, so he switched to Film Arts.  Today, Trev hopes to hone his writing skills to become a screenwriter so that he may write the world's best musical and the world's scarriest horror flick.

Trev currently attends the University of New Orleans and still refuses to purchase the parking permit required to park on the college campus that he pays to attend.


1Lee is co-founder of the Terror on Bleak Street blog. His last blog collaboration was the Boo Radley Syndrome, which he also co-founded. Today, he continues to write for Terror on Bleak Street and for his own blog, 1Lee blog.

He attends the University of New Orleans, where he studies Film. In his free time, he works on short films with he friends--1Lee is 1/2 of Sunday Best Pictures productions (sundaybestpictures channel on youtube), and 1/7 of the film collective, DKBLAST(ER).

His career goal is to become a scriptwriter--for television or cinema--and work his way into producing and directing his own films. His favorite filmmaker is Woody Allen. His favorite television series is Northern Exposure.

1Lee is the drummer for the New Orleans funk outfit Garika, Clintman, and Wells.


My name's Aaron. I'm also a co-founder of the Terror on Bleak Street blog. You should check out 1Lee and mine's writing from high school in the form of the Boo Radley Syndrome here. I used to blog, but I don't do anything worth mentioning except complain about the food at Louisiana State University, which I attend. My past experience with writing was a blog that I kept throughout high school that I don't update anymore and also an Intro to Screenwriting class here at LSU. I can say that I can set up a movie... but not much else. Hopefully we can change that.

I love community and I love community ideas, so this sort of project has been exciting for me. I'm currently a Chemistry major, but I want to do Clinical Lab Science. So this story telling business is really just a real escape for me.

I like to Footbike and if you like to bike slowly or if you want a better exercise experience, you should talk to me about footbikes and scooters and general. I really like scooters. Talk to me about that.


Clin22 (Or just Clin, Clin22 sounds like a robot model who is designed to clean houses and needed to be updated 22 times to stop setting the kitchen on fire) is a aspiring journalist/writer who hopes to one day write for a respectable newspaper or to be a sketch writer for SNL.

The odds are slim for the latter, so Clin will stick to journalism for now until he has enough guts to move to New York and pursue his dreams. He enjoys finding odd idioms and is the creator of the phrase "Desire. It sets ladies on fire." It'll be a saying in 10 years, give it time.

Clin believes strongly in silver linings. A trite saying, but it doesn’t make it any less true. Happiness can be experienced by everyone. You only need to adjust your way of thinking. Humor can soften some of the worst blows the world has to give you.

When you die, it is not you that goes away from the world, it is the world that goes away from you. And when you give up on the world, you give up on yourself.


Norm joined the writing staff of Bleak Street like yesterday. He was taken under our wings out of pity.
He plans to take a road trip across the country and then hitchhiking all across Europe or whatever, hitchhiking because frankly by then he won't have too many other options.

His hobbies include writing, traveling, hitting golf balls into the ocean or off of skyscrapers with maddeningly impressive arc, jogging (quickly, and always followed by police), and orally dishonoring basketball referees and their mothers, for which he is considered innovative and masterful.

At least one person has asked him, upon seeing a makeshift bandage on his seriously sliced right hand, if he lives in a "scary movie." As far as we know, he does not.

He spends as much time as he can in Colorado and Maine. He has never spent more than three to six months in county jail.

His motto, lifeline and air that allows him to breathe: Credo quia absurdium.