Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Don't Make a Sound

     Another zombie loses a foot and falls to the ground, tripping up two more on its way down.  Such well placed traps slow down the horde that needs to be given the slip before heading home to Bleak Street.  Fortunately for Jason, traps are his specialty, and he made a lot of them. 
     Trap making is a handy skill for outdoorsmen like Jason when it comes to getting natural food.  One can hunt for game, but guns are very loud and zombies have unbelievably keen hearing.  Jason’s traps are silent, good for catching game, good for catching the walking dead.  It’s too bad the game hunts back now.  Jason is a 26-year-old master of the outdoors.  He may be a little young to be a “master”, but his boy scout experience, rock climbing expertise, hunting every season of the year, and the five years he spent predominantly alone in the wilderness provided him enough experience to entitle himself so.  Jason knows how to survive and there is no better time to have that knowledge. 
     Jason sprints down a wide alley, his special alley, nearing Bleak Street.  Not much farther now.  Just a few fences to jump and he’ll be in time for dinner with his sweetheart, Jennifer.
    The zombies turn into the alley as soon as Jason reaches the opposite end.  Jason stops and turns.  It’s time for the fireworks. 
     Jason’s first trap is sprung, a simple trip wire.  Zombies tumble on top of each other.  It’s nothing special, but it forces the zombies closer together as they lumber through the alley.
     The horde advances halfway through the alley.  Trap number two is sprung.  Trash cans full of gasoline fall over, causing a flash flood of the flammable liquid to fill the alley.  They don’t notice.  They just keep walking.
     The horde is three quarters of the way through.  Jason’s turn.  He pulls a raw steak from his bag and shoves a fuse into it.  After lighting the fuse, Jason tosses the steak on the ground and runs to the nearby fence.
     The zombies are on the meat like wild dogs.  Jason is pleased to see how easily they take bait.  As nimbly as a cat, Jason climbs the fence and sits on top, watching and waiting.
     Gasoline trickles through the zombies’ feet.  It finally makes its way to the raw meat on the ground.  The meat with the fuse in it.  The fuse that continues to burn.
     The gasoline ignites.  Zombies light up like dry wood.  The flames rise to trigger the next trap.  Right above the flaming heads of zombies awaits a net lined with homemade bombs.  The fires snap ropes and the net falls.
     Eyes pinned on the alley, Jason waits on the fence.  Suddenly, a surge of heat knocks him off and into a backyard.  From his back Jason hears a chain of explosions and sees the flames of his labor burn the buildings on either side of the alley.  Groans from the horde of zombies fill his ears.
     Grinning, Jason gets back to his feet and pulls his head up to look over the fence.  Time for the finale.  This one will take care of any undead who managed to avoid the gasoline or are on their way to investigate the shiny lights and loud noises.
     Jason pulls a homemade detonator out of his pocket and presses the button.  Everything that could support the buildings on each side of the alley explodes.  The buildings crumble and fall, crushing everything around them.
     The show is over.  Jason makes his way home to Bleak Street jumping fences and running through backyards. 
     Finally, the last fence is jumped.  Jason looks both ways down the deserted Bleak Street, just in case, then runs home.
     Jason had finally finished completely boarding up the house, or at least the first floor, the day before.  To get inside of his own home, he has to pull out the hidden ladder and climb up to the second floor.  Dry and dirty, all he wanted was a bath and some quiet time, but there is just never time for that anymore.  Too many zombies hang out outside these days.  Not to mention it's incredibly difficult to board up a house without attracting any attention to it.
     Jason walks into the kitchen. 
     "Jennifer, I have food," Jason says.
     Jennifer, Jason's 27-year-old beauty, walks into the kitchen.  Why this young fashionista is attracted to fashion's opposite is beyond him.
     "All right!  What have we scavenged up today?"
     "It's actually not bad stuff."  Jason smiles with pride.
     Jennifer smiles at Jason.  She often wonders how many men are as handy as him.  He can use guns, make bombs, hunt, scavenge... what else could there be?
     "The crowd got smaller today, too."
     Nightfall.  The scratching is loud tonight.  Jason and Jennifer are upstairs in the bedroom, still awake.  It's not late enough to go to sleep.  Reading has become a hobby for the two.
     Jennifer gets out of bed and looks out the window.  Something catches her eye.  An elk is grazing in the back yard.
     "Jason, look.  It's a deer."
     Jason rolls out of bed and falls to the floor.  He then crawls over to Jennifer's feet.
     Jennifer points.
     "Over there.  It's a deer."
     Now on his feet, Jason looks out the window.
     "No, that's an elk.  What the hell is an elk doing here?"
     Jennifer runs out of the room and down the stairs.  Only mildly entertained, Jason slowly follows.  Jennifer is downstairs now.  She rushes to the window to look at the elk.  She peers between boards to see it has moved to the corner of the back yard and continues to graze.  Jason arrives next to Jennifer and looks outside.
     Suddenly, three zombies run out of the shadows and grab the elk.  Jennifer screams.  Jason knows the elk's fate and quickly turns Jennifer away from the window.  Unfortunately, Jennifer's scream was a little louder than he wanted.  Jason expects more zombies to show.  The house is boarded up, but can only take so much pressure from invaders.
     Jason whispers to Jennifer,
     "Don't make a sound."
     Nothing happens.  The scratching continues as steadily as before.
     Finally, something happens.  Jason and Jennifer listen as heavy footsteps move along the side of the house.  They follow the footsteps as they continue.
     Jennifer sneezes!
     Jason quickly turns and stares at Jennifer, angry and shocked.  Jennifer is wide-eyed.
     A voice from outside,
     "The hell?"
     More footsteps.  The zombies out front must have heard.  The heavy footsteps run away.  The sound of a large person jumping a fence can be heard.
     Jason and Jennifer slowly move back upstairs, excited that there is definitely another survivor nearby.
     "I hope he gets away," says the ever-caring Jennifer.

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